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DOXIS4 wincube startup improvement

Measuring the time it takes from the first mouse click to start DOXIS4 wincube to the moment the user is capable to work with the application is by far to long. Coming from a Pentium dual core with traditional HDD in 2012 and running a I7 9th gen ...
Ralf Everding almost 3 years ago in Usability 1 Future consideration

Simplyfy the menus of WebCube

Simplify the large context menu of the WebCube and the top menu by placing rarely used functions only at the top to make the context menu smaller and clearer. it would also be helpful to make the context menu customisable by the user.
Hannes Meisenberger about 1 year ago in Usability 1 Planned

Inline editing (office) documents from multiple user (like on 365)

Are you planning for a way to edit documents like you can on the 365 platform where no check-out and check-in is required and a document can be edited by more than one person at a time?
Sascha Lödl 5 months ago in Usability 1 Already exists

Alias Name for Descriptornames in History

We use the possibility to log the change value of descriptors. The log entry in the history shows the technical search literal of the descriptor. This name is often not easy to read for the users. It would be great to define an alias name for this...
Dietmar Besser 11 months ago in Usability 1

Favorites: Make parameters for search available

When one saves a search as a favorite, it is not possible to find out with which parameters this search was stored. It would be really good to be able to find out the search parameters for a certain favorite. In webCube one can technically save th...
Stefan Jacob over 2 years ago in Usability 1 Planned

Shortcuts zum Ansteuern von Entscheidungsdefinitionen in Vorgängen

Unsere Anwendenden hatten den Wunsch, dass Entscheidungsdefinitionen per Shortcuts angesteuert werden könnten. Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, diese mit individuell konfigurierbaren Tastenkombinationen zu versehen?
Nils Müther 3 months ago in Usability 0

"Deskriptorwerte beibehalten" in Stapelablage vom User festlegbar

Bislang ist es nur möglich, dass in einer Ablagemaske fest definiert wird, ob Deskriptorwerte je Feld für mehrere Dokumente innerhalb einer Stapelablage beibehalten werden sollen. Vielfach wird gewünscht, dass ein User selbst entscheiden kann, wan...
Nils Müther 9 months ago in Usability 0

Information on Hand off dialog

If notes on a process are disabled it would be good to hide or lock the information field: Please for all clients (win, web, mobile)
Michael 3 months ago in Usability 1 Will not implement

ICA-UI: Öffnen zusätzlicher Akten/Open additional recods

The new ICA UI does not have the possibility to open two records next to each other. However with browser functionality (key "strg" + pressing record) it's possible to open a record in a new browser tab. Most of the user do not know this browser f...
Guest 7 months ago in Usability 1 Future consideration

Benutzeradministration: Accounts/User per Kalender zeitlich limitieren

Betrifft cubeDesigner / Organisation / User /Lebensdauer Es wäre vorteilhaft wenn man die Zeitspanne eines Accounts über eine Kalenderfunktion limitieren könnte. Das Attribut "Einheit Zeitspanne" bezieht sich vermutlich auf das Einrichtungsdatum d...
Glen Lehnert over 1 year ago in Usability 3 Planned