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Security & Compliance

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More options for restricting rights in the Business Studio

We want to activate the Businessstudio for users so that they can customize the contents of value lists independently. Accordingly, we have created a test user and tried to restrict it so that it can only customize value lists. For some functions,...
David Hoch 4 months ago in Security & Compliance 1 Planned

Signierte Programme

Durch verschiedene Security Tools werden unsignierte Programme in unserem Netzwerk standardmäßig blockiert. Es wäre gut, wenn in zukünftigen Versionen die ausführbaren Programme wie csbcmd.exe signiert werden.
Guest 7 months ago in Security & Compliance 0

Audit Trail Auswertung auch für gelöschte Kennungen ermöglichen

Bisher ist es nur möglich, nach Aktivitäten bestehender Kennungen über die Audit-Trail-Suche zu recherchieren. Wir benötigen diese Funktion jedoch auch für Kennungen, die bereits gelöscht worden sind.
Lutz Hensel 9 months ago in Security & Compliance 0

Verwendung des verschlüsselten Passworts aus DOXiS4-PasswordEncrypter in dx4-sessionpool-api

ist es möglich das verschlüsselte Kennwort des DOXiS4-PasswordEncrypter, im Format "ENC2(...)" beim Setzen der Credentials für einen Login via dx4-sessionpool-api mitzugeben? - Meine bisherigen Versuche waren leider erfolglos.Falls aktuell nicht m...
Guest about 1 year ago in Security & Compliance 0 In Review

Assign Roles and Rights with time restrictions

Often we get request zu assign a group or role for a limited time for example if an aprentice is working in a departtmen vom 1.1.2022 - 31.3.2022 the accesss rights should be effective in this time range. It would be helpful if wee could assigne t...
Knut Pape almost 3 years ago in Security & Compliance 2 Will not implement

Better Management of Roles, Grupes and Rights

It would be helpful if we could name responsible Persons for Roles, Groups, Databases. In our Organisation this would make it easy to find out who is the Data-Owner- the one who is responsible for the data and who is in charge to accept or reject ...
Knut Pape almost 3 years ago in Security & Compliance 2 Future consideration

Add the right for changing descriptors not overall, but per hitlist

Currently i can give the Right to change descriptors only in general; yes or no. So users with it can use it on all hitlists, or none. Especially in bigger organisations when you give that right to someone who is a key user for A, he is able to us...
Andreas Obermaier over 1 year ago in Security & Compliance 1 Will not implement

change the outlook COM API to MODERN API/APP

for security reasons we can´t use the outlook COM API. It would be helpful to have the functionality as MODERN API/APP available.
Dorothea Schwarz over 1 year ago in Security & Compliance 1 Planned

Use a different keystore format to store the keys for the memory areas

A different keystore format must be used instead of the currently used keystore format JCEKS for storing the keys for the memory areas. JCEKS uses triple-DES and this is not considered safe by BSI due to the block width of 64 bits.
Thomas Laube over 2 years ago in Security & Compliance 0 In Review