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Low download speed FTP

Hi, larger downloads from the SER FTP server take ages. It is no longer up to date to offer 0.5 - 1 Mbit/s. For example, downloading the CSB Iso file takes just over 2 hours.
Guest 10 days ago in Usability 1

Add option to hitlist: "always open the latest version"

When you perform a search, the links in the hitlist always refer to a specific version. A lot of my users complain about and or ask why: If they change a document (creating a new version) and open it again, they open a - now - older version.It's t...
Andreas Obermaier 5 days ago in Usability 0

winCube: Middle mouse button closes tab

Moin. A well known way from using modern browsers is closing tabs via middle mouse button. I would love to have this function in the winCube as well cause its a known pattern. Best regards, Felix
Felix Hölker 19 days ago in Usability 0

webCube - Suchbegrenzungen direkt ersichtlich (winCube vs. webCube)

Beim winCube sind beim Öffnen der Suche die Suchbegrenzungen direkt ersichtlich - siehe Screenshot. Um beim webCube diese Information zu erhalten - muss erst über Filter -> Suchbegrenzungen ausgewählt werden. D.h. der Benutzer muss mühsam ins M...
Jan Stöwesand about 2 months ago in Usability 1 Planned

webCube: onClicking the WebCube logo - Navigation to start page

For many users, this is a familiar pattern of navigating to the homepage by clicking on the logo of a website. Currently the user has to aim on the Home-icon precisely.
Felix Hölker about 1 month ago in Usability 1 Planned

Textwerkzeug - Schriftbild (Font) und Farbe anpassen

In Doxis Webcube sollte es möglich sein, die Schriftfarbe und Font anzupassen. Damit eine Annotation nicht am Dokument untergeht. Die Hintergrundeinstellung ist hier nicht immer zielführend
Christian Walcher about 1 month ago in Usability 1 Planned

Customisable icons for the CategoryTreeControl class control

The folder-like icons of the CategoryTreeControl class controls are not suitable for many use cases. For example if you use it to select a document type or some other metadata. It would therefore make sense for us to be able to select our own icon...
David Hoch 3 months ago in Usability 0

Doxis webCube should leave tabs open

If you are logged out of Webcube due to inactivity, it would be an advantage if the last opened tabs were available again when you log back in
Malcom Burns 4 months ago in Usability 0 In Review

Prominentäre Suche (Texteingabe oder Strg + F) in Trefferliste / Prominent search (text input or Ctrl + F) in hit list

Doxis bietet eine gute Möglichkeit die Trefferliste weiter zu durchsuchen in dem mit "Strg" + "F" oder einfacher Worteingabe eine Suchleiste geöffnet wird (siehe Screenshot). Diese Möglichkeit muss jedoch dem User bekannt sein. Die Suchleiste soll...
Guest about 2 months ago in Usability 1 Planned

Webcube orga cache sync improvement (login performance)

Hello, Our orga has tens of thousands users and we are updating them on a regular basis (every 6h). The problem with this is every time the first user logs into webcube it will take up to 3 minutes to sync the orga into the webcube cache.In order ...
Celso Fernandes 2 months ago in Usability 2 In Review