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Idea Portal
Status Future consideration
Categories Usability
Created by Korbinian Hasler
Created on May 29, 2024

WebCube | Marking active filter

Current situation:

Default setting for users don't show the filter icon in the menu bar. Therefore it is almost impossible to see an active filter as an End User. If an explicit period is set, this is even more difficult to recognise, as you can only see whether the period is set in the dialogue.

Idea: The suggestion is to make an active filter clearly recognisable in the menu as soon as a filter is active on the instance date. (Also in the minimised menu bar). E.g. highlighting the filter button by using a colour.

It often happens that users do not get any search results because a filter is set that they are not aware of.

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  • Admin
    Ingo Gerken
    Jun 26, 2024

    Probably useful to indicate search range filters directly, we will take this into account when redesigning our table component.

    Today you could alternatively activate the search range within the search dialog definition, so the range is visible like show here: