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Filter for Dictionary

When maintaining translations in the dictionary, it would be very helpful if there was a search / filter function for the left collumn (text), so you can find the desired term much more quickly. Our dictionary has 3700 entries, therefore it is qui...
Jörn Lamb about 2 years ago in Functionality 1 Future consideration

Doxis safeLock: Requesting Nutanix AHV support

As one of the top HCI providers (e.g. please take a look at Gartner's Magic Quadrant), we need official support for the hypervisor AHV from Nutanix for the Doxis safeLock. Please support this hypervisor in the future. Maybe it is already on your r...
Guest 8 months ago in Functionality 2 Future consideration

Allow to tag documents, files & tasks

Many modern apps allow to tag objects and to filter the objects just clicking on such tags. This would be a big step forward for Doxis if such a feature was offered for documents, workspaces (efiles) and tasks. Tags should be user definable and sh...
marc volquardsen over 2 years ago in Usability 0 Future consideration

Comprehensive export function

In some cases the functionality is needed to export a set of documents to share it with external parties. iRoom or similar tools are not an option for such cases due to technical and compliance restrictions. As far as we know the capability of def...
Stefan Jacob over 2 years ago in Functionality 0 Future consideration

Edit window for annotation should not be modal

When editing a text annotation the edit window is modal. So there is no possibilty to open another wincube window for lookup. Edit window shouldn't be modal.
René Höft over 2 years ago in Functionality 0 Future consideration

Globale Werteliste als Vorschlagswerte

Vorschlagswerte sind eine gute Möglichkeit zur Vereinheitlichung der Indizierung von Informationsobjekten. Über die Verknüpfung mit einer Werteliste wurden den Anwendern immer feste Vorschlagswerte zur Verfügung gestellt. Die Initialisierung der ...
Thorsten Kinze almost 2 years ago in Functionality 0 Future consideration