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Showing 31

Hide Search Dialogue for temporary better display of results

like displayed in the screenshot attached, it would be very useful to be able to "hide" the search dialogue with one easy click. I know it is possible with rescaling the windows / double click on the frame, but this is not very intuitive for the u...
Benjamin Schaller 21 days ago in Functionality 1 In Review

winCube/webCube support using Outlook (new)

Drag&Drop from Outlook (new) to winCube/webCube doesn't work anymore. Also sending documents from winCube. Should have to do with the missing support of COM interface. This is a basic feature needed! Maybe similar to IDEA-I-123
Dirk Stentzel 12 days ago in Functionality 1 In Review

Webcube orga cache sync improvement (login performance)

Hello, Our orga has tens of thousands users and we are updating them on a regular basis (every 6h). The problem with this is every time the first user logs into webcube it will take up to 3 minutes to sync the orga into the webcube cache.In order ...
Celso Fernandes 22 days ago in Usability 2 In Review

Doxis webCube should leave tabs open

If you are logged out of Webcube due to inactivity, it would be an advantage if the last opened tabs were available again when you log back in
Malcom Burns 2 months ago in Usability 0 In Review

Show/Hide Ribbonbar-Buttons via Customizing

There are several Ribbonbar-Buttons that can only be shown/hidden globally via the rights in App - Menu , e.g. "Subscribe", "Export" etc. It should be possible to individually choose wich elements should be shown in the ribbonbar of each search di...
Benjamin Schaller about 1 year ago in Functionality 2 In Review

Make SER developed JARs available using Maven

Currently when developing own Java software projects in the context of webCube/mobileCube/Agents it is not possible to add the necessary SER developed dependencies using common technologies like Maven or Gradle. To align develpopment in Doxis to c...
Nils Vincent about 1 year ago in Others 4 In Review

ORGA Transmitter should read out nested groups from LDAP and make the members available as a flat group

As long as no nested groups are supported by the Doxis, the ORGA transmitter should at least have a function that groups and groups nested below them are read out of the LDAP and imported as a flat group with all members. In LDAPv3 there is an ...
Thomas Johannsen over 1 year ago in Functionality 3 In Review

EInvoiceAnalyzer als webbasiertes Validierungstool

Im Zuge der nahenden E-Rechnungspflicht kommen immer mehr Lieferantenanfragen bzw. Beispielrechnungen, mit der Bitte, diese zu prüfen, ob wir als Kunde in der Lage sind, diese zu verarbeiten. Je nach Sachverhalt/Umfang/Wichtigkeit werden diese Rec...
Dirk Stentzel 7 months ago in Functionality 0 In Review

Make Subscription-Events configurable per DocumentClass

We are using Instance-Subsciptions a lot, but in standard they are barely usable. When creating a new Instance-Subscription all events are ticked by default, but rarely all of them are needed (most of the time we only need 1-2). Also the names of ...
Benjamin Schaller about 1 year ago in Functionality 2 In Review

Configure multiple Datases as „Database for primary parent objects“

The function of "Primary parent objects > Pass down descriptor values" is very nice, but also very limited since only one Database can be configured as a "Databse for primary parent objects". Meaning if i have two different document/record cla...
Benjamin Schaller about 2 years ago in Functionality 0 In Review