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Showing 25

Show/Hide Ribbonbar-Buttons via Customizing

There are several Ribbonbar-Buttons that can only be shown/hidden globally via the rights in App - Menu , e.g. "Subscribe", "Export" etc. It should be possible to individually choose wich elements should be shown in the ribbonbar of each search di...
Benjamin Schaller 6 months ago in Functionality 2 In Review

Make SER developed JARs available using Maven

Currently when developing own Java software projects in the context of webCube/mobileCube/Agents it is not possible to add the necessary SER developed dependencies using common technologies like Maven or Gradle. To align develpopment in Doxis to c...
Nils Vincent 7 months ago in Others 1 In Review

Make Subscription-Events configurable per DocumentClass

We are using Instance-Subsciptions a lot, but in standard they are barely usable. When creating a new Instance-Subscription all events are ticked by default, but rarely all of them are needed (most of the time we only need 1-2). Also the names of ...
Benjamin Schaller 5 months ago in Functionality 2 In Review

ORGA Transmitter should read out nested groups from LDAP and make the members available as a flat group

As long as no nested groups are supported by the Doxis, the ORGA transmitter should at least have a function that groups and groups nested below them are read out of the LDAP and imported as a flat group with all members. In LDAPv3 there is an ...
Thomas Johannsen about 1 year ago in Functionality 3 In Review

Save customer-specific settings

Each customer sets individual standard settings for the different settings in cubeDesigner. The new idea would be for the customer to be able to save these settings for themselves so that the standard settings are used directly for new systems
Julia Averbeck 5 months ago in Functionality 2 In Review

Verwendung des verschlüsselten Passworts aus DOXiS4-PasswordEncrypter in dx4-sessionpool-api

ist es möglich das verschlüsselte Kennwort des DOXiS4-PasswordEncrypter, im Format "ENC2(...)" beim Setzen der Credentials für einen Login via dx4-sessionpool-api mitzugeben? - Meine bisherigen Versuche waren leider erfolglos.Falls aktuell nicht m...
Guest 5 months ago in Security & Compliance 0 In Review

Configure multiple Datases as „Database for primary parent objects“

The function of "Primary parent objects > Pass down descriptor values" is very nice, but also very limited since only one Database can be configured as a "Databse for primary parent objects". Meaning if i have two different document/record cla...
Benjamin Schaller over 1 year ago in Functionality 0 In Review

Bi-directional MS Teams Synchronization

Current MS Teams interface only synchronizes documents (and announced soon metadata) from MS Teams to Doxis. It is also necessary to synchronize documents from Doxis to MS-Teams in order to be able to use MS-Teams functionalities such as simultane...
Guest over 1 year ago in Functionality 1 In Review

Change name of a content object

It would be good if we could change the name of an content object within the Doxis clients (winCube, webCube or mobileCube). Same as rename the file in Explorer.
Michael 3 months ago in Functionality 0 In Review

Query interface to Doxis ERP Connection Service (ERPCS)

There is no default implementation to query the Doxis ERP Connection Server via cubeDesigner (e.g. database record selection). It would be good if the ERPCS could have a native implemention as data source in Doxis. Ref.: SERviceTicket#20240402990097
Michael 3 months ago in Functionality 4 In Review