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Idea Portal


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Enhancing Doxis with a ‘Create Tables’ feature and an ‘Add Row’ button

Doxis currently lacks the ability to create tables while designing document class dialogues. Often, end users need to add metadata in a consistent format, but the data varies, similar to an Excel sheet. This situation often leads to the creation o...
Abanoub Ibrahim 11 months ago in Functionality 1 Will not implement

Improve Usability of winCube Offline Functionality

Preparing and Using winCube offline is not intuitive and comes with a lot of manual preparation work. The following suggestions would improve the usability a lot: Prepare offline usage when favorites are updated, not as a separate action: Currentl...
Benjamin Schaller about 1 year ago in Functionality 0 Future consideration

Adding Documents in WebCube with a Dashboard Drop Zone Featuring a Parent Object Search

Currently, it is not possible to drop a document into a parent object (e.g., a folder) within the dashboard environment. In the attached picture, you can see a customized dashboard for the new Fast Starter Collaborative Workspace. It would be a va...
Simon Werkmann 4 months ago in Functionality 2 Planned

ORGA Transmitter should read out nested groups from LDAP and make the members available as a flat group

As long as no nested groups are supported by the Doxis, the ORGA transmitter should at least have a function that groups and groups nested below them are read out of the LDAP and imported as a flat group with all members. In LDAPv3 there is an ...
Thomas Johannsen almost 2 years ago in Functionality 3 In Review

Additional shortcut for copying pages in the organisation window

In the organisation window, you can use CTRL+M to move a page to a new document. This is very helpful for editing very large documents (up to 600 pages), as the focus jumps to the next page in the large document and you can continue working at the...
Joachim Jäger 12 months ago in Functionality 0 Planned

Make Doxis-Viewers scrollable beyond dina4 for E-Mails

The Doxis Viewers (winCube & webCube HTML5) are always rendering E-Mails (tested with .msg) into A4-Format. As a result E-Mails that exceed A4 are not displayed correctly. Openend in the system viewer (Outlook) the window is resizable without ...
Benjamin Schaller about 1 year ago in Functionality 0 Future consideration

EInvoiceAnalyzer als webbasiertes Validierungstool

Im Zuge der nahenden E-Rechnungspflicht kommen immer mehr Lieferantenanfragen bzw. Beispielrechnungen, mit der Bitte, diese zu prüfen, ob wir als Kunde in der Lage sind, diese zu verarbeiten. Je nach Sachverhalt/Umfang/Wichtigkeit werden diese Rec...
Dirk Stentzel 9 months ago in Functionality 0 In Review

Make Subscription-Events configurable per DocumentClass

We are using Instance-Subsciptions a lot, but in standard they are barely usable. When creating a new Instance-Subscription all events are ticked by default, but rarely all of them are needed (most of the time we only need 1-2). Also the names of ...
Benjamin Schaller about 1 year ago in Functionality 3 In Review

Navigationsleiste bei öffentlichen Verzeichnissen anpinnen / Pin Navigation Bar for Public Foulders

Wenn man in der ICA-Sicht im webCube die öffentlichen Verzeichnisse in der Navigationsleiste durchklicken und sich parallel die Trefferlisten anschauen möchte, muss man die Navigationsleiste immer wieder erneut aufklappen. Im winCube ist ein durch...
Lena Potthast about 2 months ago in Functionality 1 Planned

Nested Organizational Groups

At the moment, the organizational groups in the cubeDesigner can only contain users, roles and units, but no other groups. It would be very helpful if we could also add groups to other groups. Example: In our company, 90% of our organizational gro...
Jörn Lamb over 2 years ago in Functionality 3 Planned