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(De-)Select all entries in the value list of a multiple selection field

It should be possible in every search dialog field (or similar) with a value list to select or deselect all entries of a value list. I also want to use the filter in value lists to select or deselect all matches. Similar like filtering in excel.
Marius Wieser over 2 years ago in Usability 1 Already exists

run smartcube without the label on the screen

it would be awesome to run the smart cube without showing the label on the screen all the time. no matter where you move it, it always disturbs while working. And for checking out files in web cube you just need it running.
Guest 4 months ago in Usability 0

Make fulltext setup easy

In order to setup a fulltext index you are required to configure it in multiple tools and locations. This is far away from being intuitive. Fulltext is very crucial for any contextual analysis. Let's make configuring the fulltext two clicks.
Ralf Everding about 2 years ago in Usability 3 Planned

Detailliertere Dokumentation zur Volltextsuche in der Online-Hilfe

Die Volltextsuche im winCube/webCube wird in unseren Anwendungen immer mehr ein zentraler Bestandteil beim Auffinden von Dokumenten. Die Online-Hilfe dazu gibt ein paar "Basics" preis, die aber noch viele Fragen offen lassen (z.B. Behandlung von o...
Dirk Stentzel 9 months ago in Usability 0

Feature request ONLINE = ON in properties in TP for MSSQL

Hi, We sometimes need to import transport package to PROD in this TP there is sometimes lots of new indexes added , we have got a large database and don't want to impact users so we are avoiding it by making those alter tables manually on sql serv...
Guest 5 months ago in Usability 0

Improve FIPS-Error-Messages

The File Import Service is a very powerful tool for bulk-document-imports. Unfortunately error-messages are often unclear and/or misleading. Examples: Typo in observed directory path leeds to "file <somefile_included_in_importjob> could not ...
Michael Bernhardt almost 3 years ago in Usability 0 Future consideration

Trim Copy-Paste when pasting into numeric controls

Paste from clipboard can not be used into numerical controls (EDIT-Control where numerical desciptor is connected) if the number is copied with leading or trailing spaces. In our case in some system-generated e-mails trailing spaces are copied aut...
Benjamin Schaller about 2 years ago in Usability 0 Planned

Get notified when opening logically deleted objects

It would be great to get a banner when opening a logically deleted object for example via Link or URL. A hint would be useful like you get when opening an old version of a document. Currently there is no easy and intuitive way to determine a logic...
Guest over 1 year ago in Usability 0 Planned

Auflösung der Mitglieder einer Rolle

In der Organigramm Ansicht bspw. auf einem Aktendeckel ist für Endanwender aktuell nicht ersichtlich welche Mitarbeiter Mitglied einer Rolle sind. Es wäre hier wünschenswert, wenn über weitere Ebene, ein Kontextmenü etc. die Mitglieder der Rolle a...
Guest 6 months ago in Usability 0

webCube: Show the annotation list automatically if an annotation is present

In webCube, the annotation list must always be displayed manually. Therefore my suggestion to display the annotation list depending on whether an annotation is present or not. Analogue to the behavior in winCube - there the list is automatically d...
Jan Stöwesand 6 months ago in Usability 1 Planned