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one column with multiple descriptors in

It would be great to define multiple Descriptors in one column. When you mix documentclasses in a hitlist and you use different descriptors for example for the document date or the title, it isn't a pretty good user experience. When you can mix mu...
Guest 2 months ago in Usability 0

webCube: Opening files via smartCube does not come to the foreground

Greetings! When files are opened from Doxis, e.g. via the “Edit” button, they are opened in the background (i.e. behind the browser window). Is it possible to always open files in the foreground so that they can be edited directly? Best regards, F...
Felix Hölker 17 days ago in Usability 1 Will not implement

webCube: onClick multi selection highlights baground without actively selecting

User hase to click the checkbox all the time. This is not expected behavior and contradicts standard selection dialogs. For me as a user its very annoying to always target the little checkbox. Worst case the user can create a state where one selec...
Felix Hölker about 1 month ago in Usability 1 Planned

All Changes - especially scripting - should be under Version Control

In 2020 git is everywhere and we are used to it. There is no excuse to develop software without Version Control. Current state: In SER winCube customizings in winCube rely heavily on VBA Script. As Admin you debug the scriptings and change them on...
Knut Pape almost 3 years ago in Usability 9 Future consideration

Einsehen der Postkorbfreigaben, die einem User auf fremde Postkörbe erteilt wurden

Ein User hat Freigaben auf n fremde Postkörbe. Nun sollen dem besagten User die Freigaben auf den n Postkörben entzogen werden. Momentan kann am User nicht gesehen werden, welche Postkörbe freigegeben sind. ==> Es müssen alle Postkörbe angeklic...
Guest 2 months ago in Usability 0

Only one edit button for webcube document view

When you open a document in webCube and you have the rights to modiy the content object and the descriptors, there are two edit buttons, see screenshot attached. We think this is very confusing and would prefer to only have one edit button that gi...
Jörn Lamb about 2 months ago in Usability 2 Will not implement

DIIA: Allow own templates for rendering invoices in the XRechnung format

When we process invoices in format XRechnung (EN 16931‑1) there is a generic representation in html generated by DIIA to review the content of the invoice. Compared to the former invoice in PDF, the the html-rendering is quiet bloated. 1 page of P...
Martin Kirschner 4 months ago in Usability 1 Will not implement

Improve Errormessages in webCube

Errormessages in webCube sometimes are inconsistent and miss basic information Opening an webCube URL with ?action=showsearch&mode=0&id=XXXX: "The search cannot be carried out because the user does not have the required access rights." --&...
Benjamin Schaller 5 months ago in Usability 1 Future consideration

State of the Art Transport System

If you deal with Staging systems like Development => QA => Production you need a Transport System as good as possible. All changes to the System should belong to a a Change-Package (Change, User-Task - whatever). This Information should be r...
Knut Pape almost 3 years ago in Usability 3 Future consideration

Improve the additional component SmartOfficePLUS

The additional component SmartOfficePLUS uses a register tab called “Doxis” via MS Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint). Since winCube V9.02p2, the dependency of the register tab runs via .dll and cannot be influenced by standard. Our company introduc...
Anthony Ulang 4 months ago in Usability 0