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Showing 38

Display of times taking into account the time zones

The more Doxis is used in an international context, the more important it is to take time zones into account. Currently, only the server time is displayed to all users. Switching is not possible These times make little sense for colleagues from As...
Guest about 1 year ago in Functionality 1 Planned

Benutzeradministration: Accounts/User per Kalender zeitlich limitieren

Betrifft cubeDesigner / Organisation / User /Lebensdauer Es wäre vorteilhaft wenn man die Zeitspanne eines Accounts über eine Kalenderfunktion limitieren könnte. Das Attribut "Einheit Zeitspanne" bezieht sich vermutlich auf das Einrichtungsdatum d...
Glen Lehnert over 1 year ago in Usability 3 Planned

Implement an "Undo" feature

To be able to undo unwanted entries / changes on metadata, an "Undo" function like in MS-Office would be extremely helpful.
Andre Cartschau over 1 year ago in Functionality 1 Planned

Defining a "dynamic" default value for date boxes

Currently we are scripting dates like "beginning of current year", "end of current year", "today" and so on - it would be great if it can be configured based on cubeDesigner via "default value".
Jan Stöwesand over 1 year ago in Functionality 0 Planned

Make fulltext setup easy

In order to setup a fulltext index you are required to configure it in multiple tools and locations. This is far away from being intuitive. Fulltext is very crucial for any contextual analysis. Let's make configuring the fulltext two clicks.
Ralf Everding over 1 year ago in Usability 3 Planned

Übersetzung aus Werteliste als Instanzname verwenden

Es wäre sinnvoll, die Übersetzung bzw. den Anzeigewert als Instanzname zu verwenden. Ausführliche Erklärung in SERviceTicket#20240730990031 sowei im Anhang.
Michael 4 months ago in Functionality 1 Planned

Get notified when opening logically deleted objects

It would be great to get a banner when opening a logically deleted object for example via Link or URL. A hint would be useful like you get when opening an old version of a document. Currently there is no easy and intuitive way to determine a logic...
Guest 12 months ago in Usability 0 Planned

Trim Copy-Paste when pasting into numeric controls

Paste from clipboard can not be used into numerical controls (EDIT-Control where numerical desciptor is connected) if the number is copied with leading or trailing spaces. In our case in some system-generated e-mails trailing spaces are copied aut...
Benjamin Schaller almost 2 years ago in Usability 0 Planned

Öffnen Suchdialog durch verknüpftes Steuerelement

Anfrage zur Suchauswahl wie in winCube
Gabor Nemeth 5 months ago in Functionality 1 Planned

Doxis iRoom custom validity of shared links

It is not possible to set a custom time period when sharing an item/link. It can only be set globally (see screenshot). Please give us the option to decide for each object how long we want to share it.
Jan Stöwesand 10 months ago in Usability 1 Planned