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Subscription to single register

Es wäre sehr hilfreich, wenn Abonements auch auf einzelne Register anstelle auf eine komplette Akte gesetzt werden könnten. Ansonsten werden viele Benachrichtigungen ausgelöst, die teilweise überhaupt nicht relevant sind.
Guest about 2 years ago in Usability 3 Already exists

winCube - Abhängigkeiten: für ein abhängiges Element mehrere Regeln

Es wäre nützlich, in Zukunft, dass man mehrere Regeln oder Abhängigkeiten für einen Steuerelement ohne Skripting definieren könnten. Derzeit werden mehrere Abhängigkeiten immer UND- und nie ODER-verknüpft und können nicht ohne Skripting implementi...
Adam Szollosi over 1 year ago in Functionality 0 Planned

Erweiterung der PDF-Visualisierungen bei XRechnungen um Angabe der BTs

Es wäre sinnvoll, in der PDF-Visualisierung an den entsprechenden Feldern den betreffenden Business Term (z.B. "BT-10" für die Käuferreferenz/Leitweg-Id, "BT-44" für den Namen des Käufers etc. aufzuführen). Das würde die Kommunikation bei Abstimmu...
Dirk Stentzel 7 months ago in Functionality 0 In Review

Filter for Dictionary

When maintaining translations in the dictionary, it would be very helpful if there was a search / filter function for the left collumn (text), so you can find the desired term much more quickly. Our dictionary has 3700 entries, therefore it is qui...
Jörn Lamb about 2 years ago in Functionality 1 Future consideration

Öffnen Suchdialog durch verknüpftes Steuerelement

Anfrage zur Suchauswahl wie in winCube
Gabor Nemeth 7 months ago in Functionality 1 Planned

Delete archived mails in the Doxis Outlook plug-in after a defined period of time

Currently, the only valid options for deletion after archiving are either to delete nothing or to delete the mail immediately from Outlook. Both have weaknesses in practice: Our users have folders with assignments where automatic archiving is enab...
David Hoch about 1 year ago in Functionality 0

The sorting order in the drop-down lists should be configurable

*** English version * A descriptor "claim number" / "booking number" (each of type: integer (8 bytes)) is sorted in ascending order by default. Of course, it is in the nature of things that both values are generated in ascending order in source sy...
Andre Cartschau almost 2 years ago in Usability 2 Will not implement

Rendition server should be more resilient

Whenever additional descriptors are added to a document class that is used by the rendition-server, the rendition server has to be restarted even though that descriptor has nothing to do with the rendition configuration. This is very counter intui...
Jörn Lamb almost 2 years ago in Functionality 2 Planned

Versioninformation & release notes for Fast Starters

It would be very interesting to know, which Version the Fast Starter is. If the version is new, it is necessary to know, which changes are inside. These informations are necessary to decide, if an update of the imported fast starter makes sense.
Dietmar Besser 8 months ago in Business Solutions & Fast Starters / Usability 0 In Review

Predefined fields in the file assignment of the Doxis4 Gateway - Microsoft Outlook integration

In the file assignement of the Doxis4 Gateway - Microsoft Outlook integration, a functionality would be very helpful, which makes it possible for the the user to completely preassign all fields with values. This way the user saves a lot of time if...
David Hoch almost 2 years ago in Usability 0 In Review