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Color rules depending on multiple descriptors

It would be extremely useful if you could set up color rules in a hit list depending on several descriptors. Configuring these could be similar to configuring an access rule. Examples of use cases are, for example, a hit list that is used in a sea...
David Hoch 3 months ago in Functionality 0

Favourites should be shared between WinCube and WebCube

Currently favourites between WinCube and WebCube are not shared. Since favourites are stored on the server they should also be shared between WinCube and WebCube.
Guest 4 months ago in Functionality 1 Planned

Anpassung / Erweiterung CMIS Konnektor um eine Aktenfunktionalität im Standard der SER

Die Kommunen haben großen Bedarf an einem CMIS Konnektor mit einer Aktenfunktionalität. Immer mehr Fachanwendungshersteller setzten auf CMIS als Schnittstelle. Leider unterstützt dieser allgemeine Standard keine Aktenführung in Doxis, die Fachanwe...
Christian Seifert 6 months ago in Functionality 2

Resizable 'Change Descriptors' Dialog with Persistent Setting

Die Möglichlichekit das Dialogfenster "Deskriptoren ändern" größer darzustellen und diese Einstellung dauerhaft speichern. English: Option to Resize the "Change Descriptors" Dialog and Save the Setting Permanently
Lena Potthast about 2 months ago in Functionality 2 Future consideration

Line break option for result list columns

It should be possible to set a line break option for result list colums. At the moment, you can only set a maximum width. When the information in the column is longer than the max. width, the rest of the information is cut off. It would be much be...
Jörn Lamb about 2 months ago in Functionality 1 Planned

Run Search in Background in webCube

It should be possible to use the "Run search in background" function in webcube, just as it is available in wincube. This function has greatly improved the usability of wincube and should definitely be available in webcube.
Benjamin Schaller 5 months ago in Functionality 1 Planned

Configure which Mail-Attachments to exclude from extraction

In a filing environment, you can configure that attachments are automatically extracted from emails. We use this feature intensively, but we wish that not all attachments were always extracted. In our case, there are certain file types that we wou...
Daniel Westermann 5 months ago in Functionality 1

webCube: Mass edit of descriptors date of receipt for imported documents

Greetings! Is it possible to mass customize descriptors to change the date of receipt? In principle, the change date is taken automatically; if this is adjusted manually, the adjustment is only applied to one of the documents, not to all of them. ...
Felix Hölker 17 days ago in Functionality 1 Already exists

webCube: Assigning e-mails to locked files throws an error message

Greetings! Users notice different behavior between win and webCube. In winCube it is possible to add an e-mail to a checked out file. The same behavior was expected in the webCube. However, an error message was thrown. Identical behavior would be ...
Felix Hölker 17 days ago in Functionality 1 In Review

New Control for Valueselection

One of the main descriptors we are using for all of our manually archived documents is the document-type. Currently in standard the only option is the selection-box, where you can provide multiple values for selection. The downside is, that users ...
Benjamin Schaller 3 months ago in Functionality 0