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User rights overview - actual rights for users, groups, etc.

There is no function to display the actual rights of any object in the user administration. It is not possible to easily find out on which databases, search classes, etc. an individual is accredited. This information can be exported through the Cu...
Stefan Jacob over 2 years ago in Usability 1 Future consideration

Adjustment of number of hits when using filters/Anpassung der Trefferanzahl bei Anwendung von Filtern

Doxis has the possiblity to use one or more filters in a result list. With this functionality the resulte are reduced. However the shown number of results is still the same. This is confusing for users. Suggestion when using a filter Results: 4/18...
Guest 6 months ago in Usability 1 Planned

Versionskommentar bei Erstellung einer neuen Version

Bei Erstellung einer neuen Dokument Version wird der Kommentar der vorherigen Version übernommen und kann überschrieben werden. Wird dieses vergessen, wird der Kommentar gespeichert und kann nachträglich nicht mehr geändert werden. Für manche Anwe...
Anette Viße 8 months ago in Usability 0

tile template or copy tile (Kachel)

It would be great if there were a possibility to copy a tile or to set a tile template. We create tiles with several actions for all application. For that we choose the colours of our corporate design. It is quite annoying to choose the colours fo...
Marina Boeckenholt about 1 year ago in Usability 0 Planned

Responsive design in webCube

We often have user which are requested to review and approve documents via the webCube. If they use devices with smaller resolution like laptops with 1920x1080, it is alomst impossible to use the client with document descriptors area, two sections...
Thoralf Bojak over 2 years ago in Usability 1 Planned

Webcube/wincube login performance

The login performance is a critical problem as we receive a lot of complaints from the users. CSB v12.4.0.1Webcube v12.4.2 using SAML SSO.Wincube v14.0.0 using kerberos SSO.
Celso Fernandes 4 months ago in Usability 1 Will not implement

Rechteverwaltung: "APP - Menü/Werkzeugleiste: Dokument - Physikalisch löschen" sollte umbenannt werden

Wenn man das Recht hat, Akten zu löschen, benötigt man das o.a. Recht in der APP - Menü/Werkzeugleiste. Es wäre wünschenswert, dieses umzubenennen in "Objekt löschen".
Anette Viße 2 months ago in Usability 0

WebCube | Marking active filter

Current situation: Default setting for users don't show the filter icon in the menu bar. Therefore it is almost impossible to see an active filter as an End User. If an explicit period is set, this is even more difficult to recognise, as you can o...
Korbinian Hasler 10 months ago in Usability 1 Future consideration

Better MultiValueEdit Control

From our point of view, the current MultiValueEdit-Control (webCube and winCube) can be improved significantly when used in search dialoges. When multiple numbers are entered, it works fine, but in case only a single value is required for a specif...
Jörn Lamb about 1 year ago in Usability 1 Future consideration

Dark mode for clients

Please add a dark mode for all Doxis clients (winCube, cubeDesigner, webCube, ...). Dark modes are much more pleasent to look at, especially when working all day with Doxis.
Jörn Lamb over 2 years ago in Usability 0 Future consideration