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Versionskommentar bei Erstellung einer neuen Version

Bei Erstellung einer neuen Dokument Version wird der Kommentar der vorherigen Version übernommen und kann überschrieben werden. Wird dieses vergessen, wird der Kommentar gespeichert und kann nachträglich nicht mehr geändert werden. Für manche Anwe...
Anette Viße 3 days ago in Usability 0

"Deskriptorwerte beibehalten" in Stapelablage vom User festlegbar

Bislang ist es nur möglich, dass in einer Ablagemaske fest definiert wird, ob Deskriptorwerte je Feld für mehrere Dokumente innerhalb einer Stapelablage beibehalten werden sollen. Vielfach wird gewünscht, dass ein User selbst entscheiden kann, wan...
Nils Müther 9 days ago in Usability 0

Detailliertere Dokumentation zur Volltextsuche in der Online-Hilfe

Die Volltextsuche im winCube/webCube wird in unseren Anwendungen immer mehr ein zentraler Bestandteil beim Auffinden von Dokumenten. Die Online-Hilfe dazu gibt ein paar "Basics" preis, die aber noch viele Fragen offen lassen (z.B. Behandlung von o...
Dirk Stentzel 8 days ago in Usability 0

WebCube | Marking active filter

Current situation: Default setting for users don't show the filter icon in the menu bar. Therefore it is almost impossible to see an active filter as an End User. If an explicit period is set, this is even more difficult to recognise, as you can o...
Korbinian Hasler about 2 months ago in Usability 1 Future consideration

All Changes - especially scripting - should be under Version Control

In 2020 git is everywhere and we are used to it. There is no excuse to develop software without Version Control. Current state: In SER winCube customizings in winCube rely heavily on VBA Script. As Admin you debug the scriptings and change them on...
Knut Pape about 2 years ago in Usability 9 Future consideration

tile template or copy tile (Kachel)

It would be great if there were a possibility to copy a tile or to set a tile template. We create tiles with several actions for all application. For that we choose the colours of our corporate design. It is quite annoying to choose the colours fo...
Marina Boeckenholt 6 months ago in Usability 0 Planned

Alias Name for Descriptornames in History

We use the possibility to log the change value of descriptors. The log entry in the history shows the technical search literal of the descriptor. This name is often not easy to read for the users. It would be great to define an alias name for this...
Dietmar Besser 2 months ago in Usability 1

State of the Art Transport System

If you deal with Staging systems like Development => QA => Production you need a Transport System as good as possible. All changes to the System should belong to a a Change-Package (Change, User-Task - whatever). This Information should be r...
Knut Pape about 2 years ago in Usability 1 Future consideration

Hourglass symbol when loading larger document sets

When loading large quantities of documents in a record (for example with the "All files of this record" action), the WebCube needs time to load the documents. Unfortunately, loading is not displayed so that the user does not know whether the syste...
Guest 9 months ago in Usability 3 Planned

Better MultiValueEdit Control

From our point of view, the current MultiValueEdit-Control (webCube and winCube) can be improved significantly when used in search dialoges. When multiple numbers are entered, it works fine, but in case only a single value is required for a specif...
Jörn Lamb 6 months ago in Usability 1 Future consideration