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Idea Portal


Showing 35

Column Filtering in webCube should be improved

Filter options are very limited. The ‘contains’ option would be good. Ideally a filter similar to Excel Column Filtering.
Benjamin Schaller 2 months ago in Functionality 1 Future consideration

Add logic for instance name

Currently the instance name can only consist of descriptors / static values. The usage of text in this context is nearly not usable for us, since our applications are used simultaneously by many users in different languages. We would like to have ...
Benjamin Schaller about 2 months ago in Functionality 2 Future consideration

Resizable 'Change Descriptors' Dialog with Persistent Setting

Die Möglichlichekit das Dialogfenster "Deskriptoren ändern" größer darzustellen und diese Einstellung dauerhaft speichern. English: Option to Resize the "Change Descriptors" Dialog and Save the Setting Permanently
Lena Potthast about 2 months ago in Functionality 2 Future consideration

Öffnen von Objekten in neuem Browser Tab ohne STRG-Taste / Opening Objects in a New Browser Tab Without CTRL Key

Das Öffnen von z. B. Dokumenten in einem neuen Browser Tab kann durch das Drücken der STRG-Taste erfolgen. Es wäre schön, wenn man in den Einstellungen festlegen kann, dass sich automatisch immer ein neuer Browser Tab öffnet ohne dafür die STRG-Ta...
Lena Potthast about 2 months ago in Functionality 0 Future consideration

Improve Export Functionality of WebCube

The export-document functionality in webcube should be improved with the following two functions: 1. the ‘Export’ button summarises all selected documents in one PDF in the ‘Export as PDF’ format. This can certainly be interesting depending on the...
Benjamin Schaller 4 months ago in Functionality 3 Future consideration

Save user specific Dialogue Values

We have implemented a function where the values of checkboxes, edits etc. entered in a dialogue can be saved by the user, so the next time a dialogue is openend these values are still filled. This is used in search and archiving dialogues, kind of...
Benjamin Schaller about 1 year ago in Functionality 0 Future consideration

Improve Usability of winCube Offline Functionality

Preparing and Using winCube offline is not intuitive and comes with a lot of manual preparation work. The following suggestions would improve the usability a lot: Prepare offline usage when favorites are updated, not as a separate action: Currentl...
Benjamin Schaller about 1 year ago in Functionality 0 Future consideration

Make Doxis-Viewers scrollable beyond dina4 for E-Mails

The Doxis Viewers (winCube & webCube HTML5) are always rendering E-Mails (tested with .msg) into A4-Format. As a result E-Mails that exceed A4 are not displayed correctly. Openend in the system viewer (Outlook) the window is resizable without ...
Benjamin Schaller about 1 year ago in Functionality 0 Future consideration

Document class specific stamps

Users receive different stamps from different authorization groups. This results that users have a different selection of available stamps in individual winCube applications, which often causes confusion and chaos, especially with regard to collab...
David Hoch 11 months ago in Functionality 0 Future consideration

Provide more details and adjustments for Annotations

We would like to use the Annotations functionality way more and therefore we would need- adjust line thickness and formating like Bold etc.- create Circles - create rectangles
Christian Helmes almost 2 years ago in Functionality 2 Future consideration