The export-document functionality in webcube should be improved with the following two functions:
1. the ‘Export’ button summarises all selected documents in one PDF in the ‘Export as PDF’ format. This can certainly be interesting depending on the use case, but is not desired by us. It would be desirable to have both options here --> Export as PDF as individual documents or summarised in one PDF. Today, the only way to export as individual documents is to press the PDF button for all of them individually.
2. we would like to (optionally) select the download location to which the download should take place
@Thorsten Kinze: thank you for the idead, but we really do not want to do custom implementation for basic features like document downloads.
@Ingo Gerken: i want to highlight this again, since we are receiving this feedback very often from our users. Basically the download menu is working just fine - if files are downloaded without pdf-conversion they are packed into a zip which is exactly what people are expecting when they are dowloading multiple documents. They would expect the same if they download the files with PDF-conversion, but in this case all files are summarized into one document, which makes it unusable for the users because they would need to split this document after the download, so now they need to dowload every document one by one. Please consider updating the export-menu accordingly!
If you choose export in original format the documents will not be added into one pdf and are exported seperately into a zip file. But an additional option would probably be helpful, we take this into account when redesigning the export dialog for mutiple documents.
The download location can not be configured by webCube and is predefined in the browser settings
This sounds like a job for the Doxis Record Export. We create a workflow which triggers an agent for exporting hole records or parts of it using the Record Export