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Idea Portal


Showing 4

Display Usage of Objects in cube-Designer

it should be possible to display the usage in customizing of all objects in cube-designer, like it is possible with the descriptors. Two main use-cases that we are missing are: in which objects (e.g. controls) is my global value list referenced? i...
Benjamin Schaller about 2 years ago in Functionality 2 Shipped

Add drag & drop to dynamic folders in webCube

In winCube it is possible to drop documents to dynamic folders and implement custom logic via client scripting using the respective events. This functionality is missing from webCube. To make the user experience similar regardless of the client a ...
Nils Vincent over 1 year ago in Functionality 1 Shipped

Refresh of webCube icon library

The webCube icon library should be somehow refreshed automatically. At the very least, it should be refreshed when the webCube-service is restarted.
Jörn Lamb about 2 years ago in Functionality 1 Shipped

Descriptor change in result list via Workbasket

If in cubeDesigner in a result list for a descriptor the descriptor change is activated and this result list is stored in the workbasket display. The function is just like in result lists for process, records and documents, I could change the desc...
Viktória Németh over 1 year ago in Functionality 0 Shipped