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Showing 11

Inline editing (office) documents from multiple user (like on 365)

Are you planning for a way to edit documents like you can on the 365 platform where no check-out and check-in is required and a document can be edited by more than one person at a time?
Sascha Lödl 3 months ago in Usability 1 Already exists

Fulltext highlighting for webCube Viewer (webbrowser)

When using a fulltext search in webCube along with the default viewer (webbrowser), the fulltext highlighting is not very user friendly (see screenshot attached). We would find it very helpfull if the webbrowser viewer could display the fulltext h...
Jörn Lamb 9 months ago in Functionality 3 Already exists

Possibility to deactivate the workbasket forwarding functionality (winCube + webCube)

The ‘Forward’ functionality for workbasket is automatically available in winCube and webCube via context menu. We learned that this functionality cannot be addressed via scripting (because no event exists for this) and it cannot be deactivated eit...
Thoralf Bojak about 1 year ago in Usability 1 Already exists

In the Doxis Outlook plug-in, there should be a possibility to store E-file assignments server-sided

Currently, this assignment is stored in the registry. Server-side storage would have two major advantages: -Users link a large number of Outlook folders to e-files in Doxis. In the event of a local problem, they could lose these links, and restori...
David Hoch over 1 year ago in Usability 1 Already exists

BPMN - Anzeige von Aufgabe ohne Prozessdiagramm

Der Kunde möchte in Zukunft die Aufgaben im webCube ohne Prozessdiagramm anzeigen können.
Adam Szollosi over 1 year ago in Usability 1 Already exists

Reihenfolge von Registern im webCube ändern

Der Kunde möchte die Reihenfolge der Register in der Akte auch in WebCube ändern können, genau wie in winCube mit den Tasten "Nach oben" und "Nach unten".
Adam Szollosi over 1 year ago in Functionality 1 Already exists

Favorites should be stored within the CSB-Database

Our Users love saving objects as favorites to quickly access them again. But as WinCube favorites are stored locally, there are a number of reasons your favorites are not available: You get a new computer Your Windows Profile had to be "cleaned" (...
Lutz Hensel over 1 year ago in Functionality 1 Already exists

Possibility to change predefined system/menu buttons according to customer requirements

Currently, only the default buttons and texts can be used directly in the menu bar in Webcube. However, these buttons and texts do not always fit. For example, our users would expect the translation "Delegate" for the "Hand off task" button. Howev...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Functionality 2 Already exists

Subscription to single register

Es wäre sehr hilfreich, wenn Abonements auch auf einzelne Register anstelle auf eine komplette Akte gesetzt werden könnten. Ansonsten werden viele Benachrichtigungen ausgelöst, die teilweise überhaupt nicht relevant sind.
Guest about 2 years ago in Usability 3 Already exists

Favorites for Registers

It would be very helpful if favorites could also be set directly to a register in files. With sometimes very extensive file structures, it is very tedious to navigate to the relevant tab even with Favorites.
Guest about 2 years ago in Usability 1 Already exists