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Hourglass symbol when loading larger document sets

When loading large quantities of documents in a record (for example with the "All files of this record" action), the WebCube needs time to load the documents. Unfortunately, loading is not displayed so that the user does not know whether the syste...
Guest over 1 year ago in Usability 3 Shipped

Documentation for Fast starters

It would be really helpful to get a documentation for the fast starters to read on how the permissions of the different groups are set. In the current situation you need to "reverse engineer" the permissions and functionality.
Guest about 1 year ago in Business Solutions & Fast Starters / Usability 6 Shipped

Ability of alphabetical sorting of folders in iRooms

In iRooms new folders are created under the last folder. With a larger folder structure it is very difficult to keep the overview. Unfortunately it's currently not possible to move the folders by the user. There is a bug that the folder structure ...
Guest about 2 years ago in Usability 10 Shipped

cubeDesigner - Add webCube URL to global settings

For the user inviation via winCube, please also add the URL for the webCube to the global settings in the cubeDesigner (similar to Sharepoint).
Jan Stöwesand over 1 year ago in Usability 0 Shipped

New labels for deleting objects

The menu items "Delete" of information objects look very similar in the record window. This often leads to (logical) error situations. Is it possible to make the names of the menu items clearer? For example, in an open record, the "Delete" menu...
Thorsten Kinze almost 2 years ago in Usability 1 Shipped

Dashboard: Auswahl bestimmter Such- und Ablageumgebungen

Es wäre toll, wenn man im neuen Dashboard auch selektiv Ablageumgebungen oder Suchklassen als "Button" hinzufügen könnte. Dann könnte sich ein User je nach Bereich (Contract, Sales, Project) die für ihn relevanten Shortcuts hinterlegen. So könnte ...
Sebastian Klink over 1 year ago in Usability 7 Shipped

Search all over

It would be nice to create the possibility of a search to find documents and document content for users (not admins) in the whole system, if these documents are in access for this user. Documents for which no authorization exists should not be fou...
Sascha Lödl over 2 years ago in Usability 1 Shipped

Authorizations with * possible or similar

To have admin authoriaztions there are only 2 possibilities: Add the authorizations for every object manually to the customer specific admins role/group. This is a high manual effort. Use the default 'admins'-role, but this is not 100% comprehensi...
Marius Wieser over 2 years ago in Usability 0 Shipped

Ability to deactivate collaboration (projects) in the webCube

Please add a right or something similar to deactivate the part "collaboration projects" e.g. for a user, role and so on
Jan Stöwesand over 1 year ago in Usability 5 Shipped

No way to place a new document in the workspace instead of as a floating window

For example, when you add a new document to an e-file, the filing environment is always floating (floated window) and does not open in the workspace. I don't have the option to configure this (yes, you can do this via scripting). Public Function O...
Jan Stöwesand over 1 year ago in Usability 0 Shipped