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Status Will not implement
Categories Usability
Created by Andre Cartschau
Created on Apr 11, 2023

The sorting order in the drop-down lists should be configurable

*** English version *

A descriptor "claim number" / "booking number" (each of type: integer (8 bytes)) is sorted in ascending order by default. Of course, it is in the nature of things that both values are generated in ascending order in source systems. In a file, however, this ensures that users have to scroll for a long time / forever to get to the most recent entries. "CTRL+F" is unfortunately not an option here, as a multiple selection must also be made.

This is not about sorting the values in the result list, but in the opened filter control (as shown in the picture).

*** German version ***

Ein Deskriptor "Schadensnummer" / "Buchungsnummer" (jeweils vom Typ: Integer (8 Byte)) ist standardmäßig aufsteigend sortiert. Es liegt natürlich in der Natur der Sache, dass beide Werte in Quellsystemen in aufsteigender Reihenfolge erzeugt werden. In einer Akte sorgt dies jedoch dafür, dass der Benutzer lange / ewig scrollen muss, um zu den neuesten Einträgen zu gelangen. "CTRL+F" ist hier leider keine Option, da auch eine Mehrfachauswahl getroffen werden muss.

Es geht hier nicht um die Sortierung der Werte in der Trefferliste, sondern im geöffneten Filter-Control (wie im Bild zu sehen).

  • Attach files
  • Andre Cartschau
    Oct 13, 2023

    It is a pity - I had really wished for a different behaviour here, since it is actually about low-hanging fruits. As can be seen in the above screenshot, it is unfortunately not possible to "simply" get to the most recent entry / to filter by it. In extensive files, we are talking about several thousand documents, for which, in case of doubt, I do not know the most recent number (due to darkly processed documents).

  • Admin
    Ingo Gerken
    Oct 4, 2023

    The filter function should make it possible to select from a manageable number of values those by which the result list is to be filtered. If the number of different values is unmanageable, the search itself should be restricted on the basis of the search criteria (possibly conceivable via proposal). We are currently not planning any further search/sort functions within the dropdown of the filter selection.