If a custom Icon is used, the icon for the "normal" search-dialogue and for the search dialogue in the recycle bin is the same. This is very confusing. Without a custom icon both icons are different.
It would be very helpful if two icons can be defined for search-dialogues - one for the "normal" one and one for the recycle bin.
Hi Marc,
understand your point, but in my opinion creating a second search dialogues only for having a different icons has the big downside that i have to administrate two search dialogues from that point on and any change needs to be done in both. I would rather like to have one dialogue and the option to configure two icons (like it is now if i do not use a custom icon --> 1 dialogue, 2 different icons).
This can be easily achieved, in standard. You can define two search classes, one for the standard search, one for deleted documents. Assign both search classes different icons.
This is how you limit the use of a search class: