Use filter to pick a retention rule in a retention rule selection field
While using retention rule selection fields, it is not possible to use global value lists for filtering, e.g. for picking a retention rule automatically. Currently this can be done via agent or winCube scripting.
value list filt...
retention rule ...
value list filter.png
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retention rule selection field.png
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value list filter.pngretention rule selection field.png
we are not sure what problem you're trying to solve. Generally speaking, the list of retention rules is always specific to a document class, and there are usually not a lot of them to justify the usage of global value lists in this case. In addition, you can always define a default retention rule (what you probably meant by automatically).
Hi Jan,
we are not sure what problem you're trying to solve. Generally speaking, the list of retention rules is always specific to a document class, and there are usually not a lot of them to justify the usage of global value lists in this case. In addition, you can always define a default retention rule (what you probably meant by automatically).