We are receiving high demand of users to add their signature as a picture on documents. This could be used for internal approval or document based signature processes. Currently this is solved by our custom development which is using a stamp with a picture that users can archive into Doxis, but i would like this feature to be included in Doxis Standard.
Function would be roughly expected like this:
users can upload / edit their signature picture via the user-menu in winCube / webCube and it is saved with their user (like we know from adobe acrobat). Uploading a picture would be ok, getting promted to draw the own signature as an additional option would be even better.
Users can use a new annotation to put this signature onto a document (it is possible to do this as a stamp, but using a own annotation would be more clear for the users)
Probably a useful feature in combination with images in (already existing) stamp annotations. We could think of two options here:
Add personal signature when adding the stamp via direct input and save it as image of the stamp
Take signature image from user profile and add it as image of the stamp