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Idea Portal
Status Will not implement
Categories Usability
Created by Gerrit Ohm
Created on Jul 6, 2023

Custom Fonts in WebCube-Controls

The actual font in WebCube is not suitable to differentiate letters like lower L (l), higher i (I) or pipe (l, I,|). In case of automated recognized text by the DCES or Abbyy, it would be useful to use (in selected controls) a terminal-font or something similar to make some quality assurance about what was really recognized. In case of wrong letters, the search would not deliver a result for that documents.

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  • Admin
    Ingo Gerken
    Aug 23, 2023

    As we use sans serif fonts in webCube (like Windows and most web apps do, see below), it is sometimes not easy to distinguish between the mentioned letters. But because of the big effort for configuring and implementing different fonts on a field level, I don't see any chance to implement this feature in the next releases...